Blog Post

Summer Madness

  • by Sensei Mark
  • 23 Jul, 2019

Bushey Grove undergoes summer refurbishment.

Our Dojo within Bushey Grove Leisure Centre is undergoing a refurbishment during the summer holidays, the makeover will include a new floor and interactive walls. Which means our Thursday classes are temporarily on hold for the duration of the works, however we do have alternative classes for those who want to join in with the Summer fun sessions at Hemel Dojo on Tuesday evenings, Queens Dojo on Wednesday evenings or South Oxhey Dojo on Saturday mornings, check our location pages for address and class times. 

The summer holidays gives us an opportunity to move away from syllabus and concentrate on more of the fun stuff that we do such as "Tiger Tug or War", "Sumo & King of the ring" as well as some Spongee Chucks and boxing & pad work including "Running the Gauntlet" 

All Bushey Dojo classes will resume as normal from 5th September, have a great summer everyone.
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A full report with photos about the Shodan grading 26th June 2022
by Mark Thomas 19 May 2022
Teenagers succeed in passing their 6th Kyu Yellow belt grading
by Mark Thomas Sensei 16 March 2020
Photos from our latest 6th Annual Weapons Seminar
by Sensei Mark 9 December 2019
Well done everyone that participated in and successfully graded at the weekend, for the candidates who attempted 7th Kyu Red belt it was, as expected, a massive shock to the system as their fitness and mettle are properly tested for the first time. Emotions always run high as its the first insight into testing their syllabus under duress...congratulations to Tyler, Malika, Shayan, Ishaan and Janno on an outstanding first senior grading.
by Sensei Mark 5 September 2019
What better way to start the autumn term than with a visit from Sensei Jeff Pelter 6th dan and Sensei Mark Hill 2nd dan from Woodford Ju-Jitsu club. We love a guest instructor at Fudoshin and had a thoroughly great evening "stealing" (to quote Sensei Jeff) techniques to add and improve our syllabus. Lots of hard training and judging by Sensei peter face lots of pain as well but remember what they say..."No Gain - No Gain" :)

Looking around the mat and watching everyone working hard I could tell that everyone was enjoying the experience and for some this was the first time they had encountered an instructor other than myself, Sensei Peter or Sensei Mikey.

I'm truly privileged that Sensei Jeff had taken time to visit us and see what we are about and its such an honour to host such an established instructor. We are all looking forward to next seminar around March / April 
by Mark Thomas Sensei 5 May 2019
Congratulations to Simran and Jason who both successfully graded to 1st Kyu Brown Belt tonight. They both gave an excellent account of themselves throughout the grading demonstrating excellent techniques under duress with plenty of aggression and spirit. We are all so proud of you both, whilst there are thousands of kids sat at home in front of TV’s and their X-boxes you both take the hard option every week in training, you are both great role models for those that dare to follow. Wear those rightly deserved belts with pride.
by Sensei Mark 14 March 2019
Sensei Peter turned 50 this year and to help him celebrate his birthday Sensei Mikey had organised a birthday treat for him, a rather special limited edition bottle of Japanese Whiskey...I'm sure you will join me in wishing Sensei Peter a very Happy Birthday and I'm sure he won't mind us joining him to help celebrate, now crack that bottle open old chap :)
by Mark Thomas Sensei 15 October 2018
This year bring us our 10th anniversary, so we celebrated with some good food, good company and some trophies as well.
by Mark Thomas Sensei 14 October 2018
We are trialling some new training hours at Queens Dojo on Wednesday evenings
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