Blog Post

End of Year Grading

  • by Sensei Mark
  • 09 Dec, 2019

Senior & Intermediate Grading 2019

Well done everyone that participated in and successfully graded at the weekend, for the candidates who attempted 7th Kyu Red belt it was, as expected, a massive shock to the system as their fitness and mettle are properly tested for the first time. Emotions always run high as its the first insight into testing their syllabus under duress...congratulations to Tyler, Malika, Shayan, Ishaan and Janno on an outstanding first senior grading.
Congratulations also to James, Gracie, Bryony and Lina, who successfully made it through their second senior grading to 6th Kyu Yellow belt and as expected suffered the infamous "Yellow belt syndrome" having experienced their first grading a few months previous everyone seems to forget how vigorous the testing really is as fitness and aggression levels are pushed to their limits...but well done you got there and you know you rightly deserve those belts.
Lina not satisfied with earning her Yellow belt decided she was going to join Anika, Daniel and Sankit for the 5th Kyu Orange belt grading as well.
Again their syllabus and fighting spirit are tested and pushed to limits and they certainly delivered an awesome grading considering they graded with senior Uke's. We always say it not a grading until someone sheds a little blood and unusually it wants Sense Peter this time but Daniel as he gave it everything he had. Anika facing Max someone nearly twice her build didn't hold back either and Lina exhausted from her yellow belt grading just wasn't going to quit, great sprit should all be very proud of your achievements.
Congratulations Rory & Chris on your 4th Kyu Green belt, there was no messing about with this grading they went straight into combat mode and delivered a textbook grading...great techniques, bags of spirit and aggression there was no room for non compliance from their Ukes today, great job well done.

A have to say a special well done to Max and Harry who spent the entire day on the mat stepping in as Ukes to assist where needed with all the other Kyu gradings throughout the day before giving us an awesome 3rd Kyu Blue belt grading, straight into action with non compliance syllabus testing, so not only were they already fairly well spent fitness and energy wise but as expected pushed to their limits for their grading as well concluding their grading with another fitness test resulting in two extremely fatigued and battered candidates...Well done you two.
Thank you also to Semapi Niral, Matthew and Jason for giving up their Sunday to help, assist and general support everyone thought the day...we could manage these days without the continued support of our senior grades.

Not satisfied sitting on the grading panel both Sensei Peter and Sensei Mikey couldn't help themselves and their itchy feet finally got the better of them as they also jumped on the mat to Uke for the last two gradings...Thank you both for your support and continued participation in everything we do.
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Looking around the mat and watching everyone working hard I could tell that everyone was enjoying the experience and for some this was the first time they had encountered an instructor other than myself, Sensei Peter or Sensei Mikey.

I'm truly privileged that Sensei Jeff had taken time to visit us and see what we are about and its such an honour to host such an established instructor. We are all looking forward to next seminar around March / April 
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